Let's Vet Together
Welcome to the Let’s Vet Together Podcast by Suveto! Join Courtney Post, President of Suveto, as she speaks with veterinarians, vet techs, and veterinary professionals across the industry about their experiences in and out of the walls of the hospital. We’ll hear stories of growth, professional development, and ownership, as well as discussing important topics like well-being, mental health and how we can vet together to make the veterinary industry a better place for everyone.

Let’s Vet Together: Growing the Next Generation of Veterinary Leaders
Looking for a community of veterinary students that are interested in taking ownership of their future? In this episode of the Let’s Vet Together Podcast, Courtney speaks with Dr. Rob

Let’s Vet Together: Manifesting Ownership in Veterinary Medicine
How does listening to mom and manifesting lend itself to practice ownership? In this episode of the Let’s Vet Together Podcast, Courtney speaks with Dr. Andrew Torchia, Managing Owner of

Let’s Vet Together: Stocks, Options, Veterinary Ownership
Do you know your options for practice ownership in today’s veterinary landscape? In this episode, Courtney speaks with Marc Nathan, CEO and Co-Founder of Suveto, about how he began his

Let’s Vet Together: The Blueprint to Better Veterinary Well-being
Is your hospital CLEAR Blueprint Certified? In this episode, Courtney speaks with Kelsey Creelman, LMSW, the CLEAR Blueprint Program Manager at Not One More Vet (NOMV), about what CLEAR Blueprint

Let’s Vet Together: Your Well-being Compass
How are you navigating your way through mental health and well-being in veterinary medicine? In this episode, Courtney speaks with Ashley Steele, a DVM candidate at Midwestern University College of

Let’s Vet Together: A Passion to Care
A simple act of caring makes a difference. In this episode, Courtney speaks with Dr. David Cloutier, Medical Director at Veazie Veterinary Clinic, about how one person’s act of caring

Let’s Vet Together: GO-ing for Ownership in Veterinary Medicine Pt. 2
How do you manage your priorities as a new grad stepping into your veterinary career? In this episode of the Let’s Vet Together Podcast, Courtney has a conversation with Dr.

Let’s Vet Together: The Importance of Volunteering
Why should I volunteer? In this episode of the Let’s Vet Together Podcast, Courtney sits down with Joe Listo, Sr. Human Resource Business Partner at Suveto! Joe talks about his

Veterinary Ownership with Suveto’s Business Fellowship | Suveto
Courtney Post: Welcome to Let’s Vet Together. Before we dive into our conversation today about our Graduation to Ownership Business Fellowship, I want to kick off this talk, just like

Let’s Vet Together: Growth to Ownership in Veterinary Medicine
Courtney Post: Welcome to Let’s Vet Together. Before we dive into our conversation today, which I am so excited is going to focus on one of our Suveto pillar’s ownership,

Let’s Vet Together: GO-ing from Graduation to Ownership
Courtney Post: Welcome everyone to Let’s Vet Together. Today I am super excited to have my friends and colleagues on the podcast, Dr. Rob Trimble, Dr. Cat Foret. This is

The Impact of Mentorship in Veterinary Community | Suveto
Courtney Post: Welcome to Let’s Vet Together. Today, I am hanging out with my friend and colleague, Dr. Heather Loenser. I’m so excited. We’ve joked about podcasting together for some

Let’s Vet Together: Going Viral in Veterinary Medicine
Kayla: I think a lot of people in the vet world they are alike if that makes any sense. You’re going to find someone just as awkward as you on

Let’s Vet Together Podcast Episode 1: Well-being in Veterinary Medicine | Suveto
Courtney Post: Hey everyone, I’m your host, Courtney Post, and this is Let’s Vet Together by Suveto. A show where we’ll be highlighting stories of growth, ownership, and well-being in