Veterinary Business Fellowship for Vet School Graduates | Suveto By Suveto Introduces an Industry First “Graduation to Ownership Program (GO),” Bridges Gap Between Veterinary School and Practice Ownership

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CONSHOHOCKEN, PA – by Suveto, a community dedicated to veterinary practice ownership, is announcing its new Veterinary Business Fellowship, aptly named Graduation to Ownership (GO), an industry-first experiential learning opportunity. GO is a two-year fellowship that heavily focuses on giving new graduates an immersive, hands-on ownership experience. Ten percent of a GO participant’s paid work time is solely dedicated to their personal growth and education. Plus, they will be given an immediate ownership-level benefit VSOP® , a risk-free ownership-level benefit for doctors to share in the financial success of their hospitals without the responsibilities of sole ownership.

GO fuses mastering clinic skills, developing ownership acumen, building on personal and professional development, and navigating well-being life skills, while teaching new doctors how to run and maintain a practice – something not often taught in vet school. The new graduates will focus on development as doctors through experience, setting goals, learning how to lead and manage others, and learning about ownership, while being paid to learn this valuable information from accomplished veterinary leaders.

“Prior to joining Suveto, I was an independent practice owner, and having been in their position before, I understand the barriers that new doctors are facing when it comes to ownership. The landscape has changed dramatically since I graduated, and the barrier to entry only seems to be getting higher,” said Suveto Vice President of Communication Catherine Foret, DVM. “Harbor wants to provide a way to overcome those barriers and is helping students bridge the gap from graduation to ownership through GO. By equipping them with a unique hands-on learning experience dedicated to developing their medical competencies and business acumen, they’ll be able to move towards practice ownership quicker and take ownership of their future in veterinary medicine.”

After completing their GO fellowship, participants will be presented with a spectrum of ownership opportunities tailored to their specific goals and desires. From starting up their own VO Vets, an evolutionary way to own a veterinary practice through shared ownership, or securing financing through Calico, a financial company offering loans to veterinarians who are committed to independent ownership, or continue as a doctor with VSOP®, there is no shortage of opportunities for the participants.

The program will officially start in the summer of 2023. Learn more about GO at



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