Veterinary Students

A better veterinary future starts here. With you.

We know the next generation of veterinary professionals is eager for mentorship, experiential learning, networking, growth, diversity, and opportunity. Our multi-avenue opportunities will benefit future generations of veterinarians and solidify a positive future for the profession.

We believe for the better well-being of our pets, clients, teams, veterinarians, and even the industry, we need to work together. Through shared resources, shared knowledge, and shared experiences we can empower all veterinary professionals.


Veterinary students, want to get hands-on experience in the hospital, learn business fundamentals, AND get paid while doing it? The Harbor ExternSHIP is the opportunity for you! Whether you’re looking for an externship during the school year or during the summer, our ExternSHIP has something for you.

Business Fellowship

For new grads, offers an industry-first, Veterinary Business Fellowship called Graduation to Ownership (GO).  Kickstart your career with this two-year fellowship infused with mastering clinic skills, developing ownership acumen, building on personal and professional development, navigating well-being life skills, and more!

On-Campus Meetups

With Harbor Business Experience, you can be a part of the wave of students and veterinary professionals learning key business fundamentals as they progress in their careers in veterinary medicine.

On-Campus Liaison

Being a student Envoy is more than just representing on campus. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience to learn and grow in your understanding of business fundamentals alongside a community of future veterinary leaders. 

Inspired students make inspiring vets.

Our innovative externship programs focus on building your core competencies in clinical medicine, surgical confidence, communication training, and leadership development. The Suveto EXTERNship Experience is designed to create a unique learning opportunity for 3rd and 4th-year Veterinary students seeking real mentorship with hands-on clinical training at one of our 65+ vet-led hospitals.

Early-Career Veterinarian Advancement

Looking for mentorship and new ways to develop your skills and competencies as an early-career veterinarian? Here’s your chance. Join us and other earlycareer veterinarians from across the Suveto network for Early-Career Veterinarian Advancement! 
Early-Career Veterinarian Advancement is an all-new program designed to provide quality, clinically relevant, training and coaching to Suveto doctors looking to develop their medical and communication skills. This is your chance to get mentorship not only to become a great doctor, but also prepare you to play a part in building a strong future for our profession.And the best part about it? It’s completely free! 


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